Backwards Health

How plants changed my life

Most people associate health transformations with weight loss—but my journey was the opposite. After giving birth three times and living under chronic stress and exhaustion, I struggled with an issue many wouldn’t expect: I couldn’t gain weight, no matter how much I ate.

I was eating the cleanest diet of my life—local, real food, zero preservatives—and I exercised rigorously, running miles daily and constantly working out. Despite all this, I saw no muscle gain, no weight increase, and continued feeling depleted. My body was giving me signs that something was deeply wrong, but I didn’t understand what.

The diagnosis that brought change

Eventually, I reached a breaking point and went to a doctor. The revelations were eye-opening. I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia and malnutrition—my body simply wasn’t absorbing nutrients properly. That was the real reason behind my inability to gain weight or build strength.

A friend had been sharing information with me about a new gut health supplement company. When my doctor recommended I address my gut health, I realized I had two choices: I could go on medication with potential side effects, or I could try plant-based supplements that supported my body’s natural ability to heal—though it would take time.

Fast forward nearly nine years, and while life is still stressful, I am the healthiest I have ever been. I have maintained my weight, increased my strength, enjoy steady energy (as much a mom can), clearer skin, and my blood work consistently looks fantastic.

There is hope, and natural healing can support your body. If any of these signs resonate with you, let’s chat! I’d love to hear about your health goals and share how gut health supplements made a lasting difference in my life.

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